    Asked on August 14, 2019 at 9:17 AM

    When edits are made to an existing question on the form, it does not seem like the new PDF updates the PDF to reflect the changes.  For example, if I have a question that already exists on the form and on the PDF that says "WHAT IS YOUR AGE?" and then I change the question on the form to instead say "WHAT IS YOUR NAME?", the PDF still shows the original question text ("WHAT IS YOUR AGE?").  Is there a setting that allows the PDF to automatically update the field text to reflect any changes made on the form?  

    Please note:  I am asking specifically about changes to text for an existing form question.  I am NOT deleting an existing question and replacing it.  It is the same form question, I am only editing the text.  

  • BJoanna
    Replied on August 14, 2019 at 10:54 AM

    A PDF report will not be automatically updated when a field is edited inside of the Form Builder.

    The following message will be shown when you open the PDF Editor after the form was edited.

    1565794383update Screenshot 10

    You need to click on "YES, PROCEED" to apply the changes you made.