Separate the products into different cells in the exported Excel report

  • Mina
    Asked on August 25, 2019 at 5:58 PM

    Love the app. I have multiple products in my form. They all get smushed into one field. Is there any way to have them appear in separate cells so that I can easily count the # of each item ordered? Could not figure this out using Excel reports. Example - one person may order 4 t-shirts and 2 camping nights. Since all of this is one cell in Excel, I can't easily break it out.

  • Elton Support Team Lead
    Replied on August 25, 2019 at 6:35 PM

    Unfortunately, we do not currently have a setting to separate the products into different cells on Excel but there's a workaround for that. You can check it on this thread

    I will also escalate this as a feature request. Once this is implemented in the future, we will let you know here. Here's my example proposal;

    Separate the products into different cells in the exported Excel report Image 1 Screenshot 20