Sending from a "yes/no" answer directly to the thank you screen

  • celyaglow
    Asked on August 26, 2019 at 12:54 PM

    I have a questionnaire and the first question is a yes/no answer before going into 14 other questions. I've set up conditions for the others to skip questions but for the Yes/No, IF they answer "yes", I want to send it directly to the Thank You screen. Is that possible?

  • John Support Team Lead
    Replied on August 26, 2019 at 2:04 PM

    Hi @celyaglow,

    That can be achieved by hiding the other fields from showing up when based on the user's response. Let's say when he clicked "No", hide all the fields that will come right after it so the next screen he will see is the Thank You page (with the Submit button).

    Here's a guide for that: How-to-Show-or-Hide-Fields-Base-on-User-s-Answer

    I have created a demo form below to better illustrate the suggestion. This form has 4 fields: Yes/No question, Name, Email, and Text field (will show when the user clicked "No").

    If the user clicked Yes, the user can continue filling the Name and the Email field while the Text field is hidden.

    If the user clicked No, the Name field and the Email field will be hidden and the Text field will be shown.

    Here are the conditions I have used:

    Sending from a yes/no answer directly to the thank you screen Image 1015668425261940529 2 Screenshot 21

    And here's the link to the demo form:

    Please try that and let us know how it goes.