Why can't I submit the embedded form (Stuck on "Please wait...")?

  • CaseDriver
    Asked on September 11, 2019 at 6:29 PM

    I was able to successfully embed a form in my Godaddy website and submit it, then see the submitted form in JotForm 2 days ago, but it now doesn't work completely. It sticks on "Please wait..." message where the "Submit" button was after clicking the button, and nothing shows up in my JotForm.

    Please help.

  • jherwin
    Replied on September 11, 2019 at 7:41 PM

    I test submitted your form, but I was not able to replicate the issue you mentioned. Please try with another browser as well. That may work. Or, try clearing your browser cache and cookies for before you submit the form.
    1568244877test submit Screenshot 10
    Please give it a try and let us know how it goes.