How do we unselect the choices from the radio option of the Input table?

  • be_maleny
    Asked on September 22, 2019 at 12:57 AM


    A couple of problems I've run into:

    1) I've got an input table where I want to have multiple radio button columns and a comment field. Using the Multi Type Column, if I have a number of radio buttons, when filling out the form, a user can select multiple radio buttons on the same row. I do not want this. I would like only one radio button to be able to selected per row.

    2) The other issue is that once a radio button is selected, then it cannot be unselected. If a user makes a mistake, they should be able to correct it... 

    Please let me know if there is anything I can do to fix these issues ASAP as they are critical to the function of our form.



  • roneet
    Replied on September 22, 2019 at 2:41 AM

    I have answered your first concern in this thread:

    To answer your second query, you can switch to the Multiple choice options, it will allow you to check and uncheck the option.

    How do we unselect the choices from the radio option of the Input table? Image 10

    Let us know if you have further questions.


  • be_maleny
    Replied on September 22, 2019 at 7:47 AM

    Thanks Roneet, but if you just select a table with Radio Buttons (and not Multi Type Column), then that table does not allow for multiple radio buttons to be selected per row. This is what I would like but with an optional "Comments" text field as well; which is why I'm using Multi Type Columns.

    If I have the two Radio Button Columns, I would like the user to pick one or the other. Not both. Using the Checkbox option allows for the potential for users to select Yes and No. I do not want this.

    answers Screenshot 10

    Hopefully this clarifies this query. Note that this is a separate issue to the "Comments" having to be filled out when "Require an option on every row" is selected, hence I posted this as a separate query.



  • Mike_G JotForm Support
    Replied on September 22, 2019 at 8:23 AM

    We would like to apologize for any inconvenience. However, the radio button field type works differently on Multi Type Columns on Input Table fields.

    How would you like to consider using a Configurable List widget for the field you are planning to have in your form instead?


    1569154977zt08 22 12 Screenshot 10

    Let us know if you need any further assistance.