Adding a Conditional logic to Form to flag it

  • cure_day
    Asked on June 18, 2020 at 10:50 AM

    Good Day,

    Is there any way of adding a conditional email logic to JotForms so that it does the following.

    If "Do you have any of the following Covid-19 symptoms" is equal to "Yes" then flag email with high importance.

    Thank You

  • Bert_A
    Replied on June 18, 2020 at 11:53 AM

    Hi there,

    Thank you for reaching out.

    Yes, you can definitely achieve this by doing the following.

    -Create a new email notification to trigger when based on the condition.

    Adding a Conditional logic to Form to flag it Image 1 Screenshot 30

    -Create the following condition.
    Adding a Conditional logic to Form to flag it Image 2 Screenshot 41

    Please see this demo form

     hope that helps, please let me know should you have further questions.

  • cure_day
    Replied on June 18, 2020 at 2:00 PM

    Hi Bert,

    Thanks for the response. But not exactly what I am looking for.

    Below is the conditional logic I currently have in my form. So all forms are being submitted and emailed, and each gets sent to a different email address based on which "Hospital" is chosen. So with that said if "Cure Day Hospital Bellville" is chosen it gets sent to a person and Cure Day Bellville. I would like a way that should Dr XYZ who operates at Cure Day Bellville say "Yes" to a Covid19 symptom, the person monitoring the email for "Cure Day Bellville" should see this immediately or be able to spot it between all the other submissions. For example email is sent and flagged with "importance" or sent with a "Warning" subject.


    If Cough, Sore Throat, Shortness of Breath, Fever (>3... Is Equal To "Yes"
    Display message Warning! Your submission has been received. Please report to management to assess your answers.
    If Cough, Sore Throat, Shortness of Breath, Fever (>3... Is Equal To "No"
    Display message Thank You! Your submission has been received. No further action is required.
    If Cough, Sore Throat, Shortness of Breath, Fever (>3... Is Equal To "Yes"
    Show Please state which of the following you have exper...
    If Date After "today +1"
    Hide Submit
    If Date Before "today"
    Hide Submit
    If Please select hospital Is Equal To "Cure Day Hospital Bellville"
    Send Notification 1 email to
    Please note that emails will not be sent unless their conditions are met.
    If Please select hospital Is Equal To "Cure Day Hospital Somerset West"
    Send Notification 1 email to
    Please note that emails will not be sent unless their conditions are met.
    If Please select hospital Is Equal To "Cure Day Hospital Paarl"
    Send Notification 1 email to
    Please note that emails will not be sent unless their conditions are met.
    If Please select hospital Is Equal To "Cure Day Hospital Wilgeheuwel"
    Send Notification 1 email to
    Please note that emails will not be sent unless their conditions are met.
    If Please select hospital Is Equal To "Cure Day Hospital Fourways"
    Send Notification 1 email to
    Please note that emails will not be sent unless their conditions are met.
    If Please select hospital Is Equal To "Cure Day Hospital Medkin"
    Send Notification 1 email to
    Please note that emails will not be sent unless their conditions are met.
    If Please select hospital Is Equal To "Cure Day Hospital Midstream"
    Send Notification 1 email to
    Please note that emails will not be sent unless their conditions are met.
    If Please select hospital Is Equal To "Cure Day Hospital Erasmuskloof"
    Send Notification 1 email to
    Please note that emails will not be sent unless their conditions are met.
    If Worked in, or attended a health care facility wher... Is Equal To "Yes"
    Show Please state when and where
    If Please select hospital Is Equal To "Cure Day Hospital Holdings"
    Send Holdings Notification email to
    Please note that emails will not be sent unless their conditions are met.
    If Have you had a laboratory test for Covid-19? Is Equal To "Yes"
    Show Date
    Show Place?
    Show Reason for test?
    Show Test result? (Positive or Negative)
    If Admitted with severe pneumonia of unknown aetiolog... Is Equal To "Yes"
    Show Please state when and where
    If Had a history of travel to areas with local transm... Is Equal To "Yes"
    Show Please state when and where
    If Were in close contact¹ with a confirmed case² or p... Is Equal To "Yes"
    Show Please state when and where
    Hope this helps you understand my form better and what I am trying to accomplish. Please let me know if you need anything else. Not sure if your Dev team can add a logic as I require or if there is another workaround.
  • cure_day
    Replied on June 18, 2020 at 2:22 PM

    I think I have figured it out now. Please let me know if what I am doing will work.

    I have created a email notification for High Importance and changed the subject there as well.

    I am then creating two conditional logics for email notification as per the below.

    If Cough, Sore Throat, Shortness of Breath, Fever (>3... Is Equal To "No"
    If Please select hospital Is Equal To "Cure Day Hospital Bellville"
    If "All" of the "If" rules are matched,
    Send Notification 1 email to
    Please note that emails will not be sent unless their conditions are met.

    If Cough, Sore Throat, Shortness of Breath, Fever (>3... Is Equal To "Yes"
    If Please select hospital Is Equal To "Cure Day Hospital Bellville"
    If "All" of the "If" rules are matched,
    Send High Importance email to
    Please note that emails will not be sent unless their conditions are met.
  • Amin_N
    Replied on June 18, 2020 at 4:54 PM

    Is the email condition below what you're addressing?

    1592513488Screenshot 2020 06 18 The Easi Screenshot 10

    This Conditional Logic will send the shown email to the shown email address when BOTH of the shown conditions are met. Also, take note that the shown email will never be sent unless BOTH of the conditions are met.