Conditional Logic: Hide the last page of form and change the last NEXT button to SUBMIT

  • nickbrumme
    Asked on July 5, 2020 at 10:18 PM

    Hi, I'd like to be able to show/hide the last page of my two page form based on a response to a question. I saw in a forum post from last year that currently that is not allowed because the Next button would then lead nowhere. I'd like to submit a feature request to change the navigation buttons based on conditional logic. So if one multiple choice answer is selected, you get a next button, and if another is selected, the next button becomes a submit button. This could happen automatically if the last page is hidden.



  • Mianala
    Replied on July 6, 2020 at 2:36 AM

    Hello nickbrumme,

    Thank you for your feedback. I have escalated the feature request to our developers. We will update you via this thread.