I am stuck at field selection when integrating Zoom in the form

  • CALI
    Asked on October 6, 2020 at 10:31 AM

    when integrating the form to zoom, I am stuck on Match your Zoom fields to your JotForm fields the

    Start time only shows this:

    Please Select Form Field...

    I cant choose anything yet it's a required field. cant save because of that field.

  • Welvin Support Team Lead
    Replied on October 6, 2020 at 1:22 PM

    Hello CALI,

    Yes, you would need to have the Appointment or Date Picker field for this particular integration. If you hover to the Info icon, you'll see the field requirement:

    1602004863 5f7ca77f15434  Screenshot 10

    1602004937 5f7ca7c9f0d95  Screenshot 21

    Duration is also required, but it is not necessarily a field. You can choose from the predefined list.

    1602004894 5f7ca79e38627  Screenshot 32

    I hope that helps.