Appointment Field: Conditionally hide or show slots

  • jhartseo
    Asked on October 24, 2020 at 3:52 AM

    Is there a way to manipulate the calendar so if say somebody selects a certain option then the calendar blocks off a certain amount of time and if not is there a way we can do this manually on our end?

  • Ariel JotForm Support
    Replied on October 24, 2020 at 6:06 AM

    Hi there,

    Thank you for reaching out.

    Unfortunately, this is not possible with the Appointment element. A workaround would be to create multiple instances of the Appointment element, each with their own set of slots, and conditionally show or hide them depending on your requirements.

    Should you have any further inquiries, we will be more than happy to help.

    Related Guide: Hide or Show Multiple Fields at Once.

  • jhartseo
    Replied on October 24, 2020 at 1:20 PM

    Okay last question. Can I set the intervals to every 30 minutes but have it automatically block off every hour after? This is probably the most frustrating part about your appointment calendar. It should allow them to pick anytime and then block off the following after. Am I missing something? Is this possible?

  • KrisLei Jotform Support
    Replied on October 24, 2020 at 3:59 PM


    It seems that it is possible with the Appointment field by creating the intervals on the Availability tab. However, this will not show that the succeeding hour is blocked, but it will show the next available timeslot:

    1603568993 5f948561dd573 Screenshot 1025 Screenshot 10

    You will need to set the appointment slot's specific time manually if you want to block the succeeding hour. If you let your users select anytime, I guess it will lose its purpose as an Appointment time slot. Alternatively, you can lengthen the Appointment Slot Duration. In this way, the succeeding hour will be blocked as well.

    For reference: /how-to-schedule-an-appointment/

    However, you might also want to check the DateTime Single widget to verify if it will fit your workflow.