Is something wrong with my export, or does it just take more than 24 hours?

  • ferdiesmarketing
    Asked on October 24, 2020 at 11:23 AM

    I requested an export of all my uploaded documents submitted on Friday 23 Oct at 5 pm (CAT), and am still waiting (it's 5:22 CAT now) for it to complete. Is this normal, or is something wrong? It just shows it's still in progress, but doesn't give the "show details" button or the download button. So it seems as though it is stuck. Screenshot URL attached. Thanks in advance!

  • Simon_L
    Replied on October 24, 2020 at 1:02 PM


    Based on the number of submissions stored in an account, it can take up to 48 hours for the download to be ready.

    If it still does not work tomorrow, I suggest that you try downloading all of your data again.

    Let us know how we can be of any further assistance!

    Thank you,
