Does JotForm identify as a software merchant and were you assigned a Merchant Category Code by Visa related to software?

  • Marcy Khilji
    Asked on October 29, 2020 at 7:23 AM


    I am trying to update my payment method, such that I use my University of Pittsburgh credit card for the payment. The university will not allow me to use my credit card until I find out more about how JotForm identifies themself to the credit card companies, like Visa, MasterCard, etc. Does JotForm identify as a software merchant and were you assigned a Merchant Category Code by Visa related to software? The University does not classify merchants into categories such as software, the merchants do that when they apply to Visa. I am using Visa as an example because most places accept Visa as payment. 

    Thank you!

    Marcy Khilji

  • Mianala
    Replied on October 30, 2020 at 2:44 AM

    Hello Marcy,

    I have checked the merchant category codes. Here are some codes related to JotForm's services:

    4814 Telecommunication Services including but not limited to prepaid phone services and recurring phone services.

    7375 Information Retrieval Services.

    You may also explain our services to the university.