When you change the sender email in notifications, the PDF Name is just numbers and not the title stated.

  • JWSWaste
    Asked on December 16, 2020 at 5:27 AM


    I have asked about this previously but got no response. When you change the sender email from noreply@jotform.com to an internal email like compliance@jwswaste.co.uk the PDF title attached to the the email reverts to numbers only and does not use the PDF Document title inputted.

    Please can you ask your developers to look into this please, as it means we can not use our email email as the sender as it then changes the PDF documents title attached to random numbers. You can use the form below as an example by changing the notification sender to compliance@jwswaste.co.uk

  • Gaetan_B
    Replied on December 16, 2020 at 5:36 AM


    We asked our developers for an update regarding the subject matter.

    We will update you on the original thread here: https://www.jotform.com/answers/2663201

    Thank you for your patience.