Do you have any documentation regarding your Data Liability Protection?

  • Romaine
    Asked on February 23, 2021 at 3:30 PM


    I’m Romaine, from White River Marine Group. I’m looking at a variety of online registration tools to potentially used for hosting a variety of events. I would like to find out any information/documentation regarding your Data Liability Protection, or if you sign Master Service Agreements, and provide Service Level Agreements?


  • Welvin Support Team Lead
    Replied on February 23, 2021 at 9:16 PM

    Hi Romaine,

    We do not have any specific user guide/page for Data Liability Protection, but this was mentioned in our Terms which you can find here

    I would also suggest checking our Security ( and Privacy ( pages.

    We also do not provide any SLA for our regular JotForm Platform. If you are interested, we can sign one through our Enterprise platform. If you want to know more about our Enterprise, please visit the page here You can also contact our Enterprise Sales team through the page.
