One question answer?

  • howtoreachkatie
    Asked on March 24, 2021 at 6:25 PM


    We want to ask four questions of the people who receive this form, but only want them to be able to write their answer to ONE of the questions. Is there a way to make it impossible to answer more than one?


    Katie Davis

  • Ege JotForm Developer
    Replied on March 25, 2021 at 2:50 AM

    Hello Katie,

    You can drag the "Single Choice" element to your form and we will type the questions there.

    1616652764 605c29dc7edea  Screenshot 10

    When the user selects an option, we will store this in another field. Drag another Short Text element into your form. Then, we are going to click on the "Properties" button and make this field hidden.

    1616652819 605c2a13c5631  Screenshot 21

    Click on the Advanced section on the top of the Properties tab and we will scroll down to see "Field Details". Click on that section and you will see the "Unique Name" field.

    1616652879 605c2a4f4f1c4  Screenshot 32

    Now, we are going to drag another Short Text element. We will use the Unique Name mentioned earlier as this field's question. Let's have the question area as "Answer to {selectedQuestion}". [Please note that this Unique Name may be something different in your own form.]

    1616653099 605c2b2bddc66  Screenshot 43

    Now the final part is having the conditions:

    Click on the "Settings" option and choose the Conditions. From here, click on the "Add a new condition" button.

    1616653321 605c2c09e5dd7  Screenshot 54

    We will choose "Update / Calculate Field" as our new condition. The first condition will be "If the single selection field is filled, copy the field into our hidden input box". Here is how we do that:

    1616653435 605c2c7b31c16  Screenshot 65

    Then, we will click on the Save button and make another condition. "If the single choice element is filled, show the answer field where the user answers the selected question":

    1616653467 605c2c9be8716  Screenshot 76

    Click on the Save button and we will be done.
    Here is how the users will see the questions:

    1616653705 605c2d89baac6  Screenshot 871616653726 605c2d9e886b7  Screenshot 98

    Here is the demo form:

    I hope this helps! If you have any questions, we will be happy to hear from you.

  • howtoreachkatie
    Replied on March 25, 2021 at 9:30 AM

    Hi egehatirnaz...

    You are amazing and I thank you so much for your detailed answer. I may be taking your instruction too literally, but once I got to the conditions, nothing matched what you instructed. Would you be able to take a look, please? I don't have a choice in your instruction of: "The first condition will be "If the single selection field is filled, copy the field into our hidden input box".

    Maybe I inserted the question choices wrong? Should I have made the 4 options just a choice of which they will want to answer ... so they click Option 3, say, and then each question is an individual short text box and they would then answer number 3?

    I wish I could've done this on my own, but I thank you for your guidance!


    1616678890 605c8feaa97c3  Screenshot 10

  • Ege JotForm Developer
    Replied on March 25, 2021 at 9:44 AM

    Hello Katie,

    I see that you have added the Single Choice options. In the next step, we will choose "Update / Calculate Field" in Conditions and set it like this:

    1616679590 605c92a6123f3  Screenshot 10

    Then, we will add another condition to "Show / Hide Field" and set it like this:

    1616679644 605c92dcf34e6  Screenshot 21

    We use curly brackets to obtain field values. As our hidden field's Unique Name is "MaNishtana", our visible question should be something like this:

    1616679710 605c931e6ad97  Screenshot 32

    When somebody fills out your form, this is how it looks like in the end:

    1616679765 605c9355d26c2  Screenshot 43

    If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to help you.