Formatting of text in Headers

  • pthompso
    Asked on March 31, 2021 at 5:42 AM

    I am trying to edit the form called School of Letters Thesis Submission Form.

    I need to add some hyperlinks to some of the headers. Is this possible? For example, the header that says D-Space Digital Repository with a URL-- can I make that URL clickable?

    I need to highlight or bold certain sentences in the question text that have important instructions. How can I do this? Example: the last question under Binding.

    Number of personal copies to be bound (Cost is $20.00 for each copy over the required 3 copies). Print Services will bill for all formatting, printing, and personal bindery costs. These charges will not appear on your student bill, but will be a charge directly from Print Services.  

    How can I highlight the last sentence?

    The last header has email addresses for people to ask questions or request additional information. I would like to have this formatted in a list, with the email addresses hyperlinked. Is this possible? Example:

    For questions about formatting and printing:

    For questions about binding and personal copies:

    For general questions:

  • Anita_K
    Replied on March 31, 2021 at 9:13 AM


    thank you for reaching out to us.

    Adding hyperlinks and bold text is possible with the Paragraph element:

    1617196148 6064747477b4e  Screenshot 10

    With this element, you have all of these formatting options.

    1617196291 60647503615e9  Screenshot 21You can also replicate the look of your headers by changing the font size, color and background colors.

    With this, you can also hyperlink emails using the "" format.

    I hope this helps. Let us know if you have further questions.

  • pthompso
    Replied on March 31, 2021 at 10:33 AM
    New response received
    Thank you so much. I just wasn’t seeing that element.