Add two parallel approvals

  • Turnstone_EHS
    Asked on August 4, 2021 at 11:16 PM


    I'm not sure how to duplicate the CEO Approval. I need approvals or denials from both CEO and COO before ending the workflow. The COO approval would be on the same line as CEO Approval.

  • Girish JotForm Support
    Replied on August 5, 2021 at 6:00 AM

    Do the CEO and COO approve at the same time or does one follow the other?

    Also, your approval flow is a bit confusing.

    Could you provide us how the flow chart should be from start to end, so that we can provide you the correct steps?

  • Turnstone_EHS
    Replied on August 5, 2021 at 10:41 AM


    I know the approval flow is a bit confusing but for some reason, it works. LOL

    Here is the flow chart:

    1. If the requester is Andy (DOO), then the form should go to both CEO and COO for approval (same time). Both must approve before the workflow ends. If one or both of them denies the submission, then it should go back to Andy (DOO). I'm not sure if Andy (DOO) at that point is allowed to make the necessary changes and then resubmit. Not sure if Jotform has that feature or if he has to submit a whole new form.
    2. If the requester is Andy himself (DOO), then the form will go directly to CEO and COO for approval. Both must approve and everything above (see #1) stays the same.

    Hope this clarifies the workflow. If there's a better way of creating the approval process, please let me know. This is my first attempt.

  • Michal_S Jotform Support
    Replied on August 5, 2021 at 1:29 PM


    Please try setting it up like this, using the "dummy email" trick:

    135150 1 Screenshot 10

    The dummy email is just an email with the Recipient set to an invalid email address, that will allow us to "split" branches:

    135151 2 Screenshot 21

    I realize the picture might be unclear, so I'll explain it too:

    • The conditional branches are connected to a Dummy Email that will function as a Split Branch

    • Two approvals are then connected to each Dummy Email - one for CEO and one for COO. The Approve branches of these are connected using the Merge Branch set to All, and that Merge Branch is then connected to the Approved email. The Deny branches of these are connected to a Merge Branch set to Any, and that Merge branch is connected to the Deny email

    • Same deal with the right conditional branch, except when Denied, the Merge Branch is then connected to another approval - of the DOO, who can then still approve or deny it

    I have tested it and it seems to work as intended - when both COO and CEO approve, the flow is ended with success - when one of them denies, the flow is ended with denial in the branch where the email is not equal to Andy's.

    When the email is equal to Andy's and one of the options gets denied, the flow gets redirected to Andy instead.

    Please implement it, test it out and see if it works for you.

    Thank you!

  • Turnstone_EHS
    Replied on August 6, 2021 at 11:01 PM

    I'm not sure if I understand the dummy email box. Is that included in my workflow and if so, who is this person? The DOO? ...I did a clone of the form just in case you're able to help me. I think I understand the rest. It looks like you used merge branches

  • Sonnyfer JotForm Support
    Replied on August 7, 2021 at 3:41 AM

    Hello @Turnstone_EHS - Let me reach out to my colleague @Michal_S to better explain his workaround to you.

  • Turnstone_EHS
    Replied on August 8, 2021 at 10:20 PM


    I'm still looking for answers to the parallel approvers after the DOO approves.

  • Michal_S Jotform Support
    Replied on August 9, 2021 at 4:51 AM


    The dummy email is just an ordinary Email approval element, that is set to a Recipient email address that doesn't exist I explained in my previous message.

    135276 1 Screenshot 10

    As the email address doesn't exist, nobody receives that email, but the Email element allows you to have one branch that goes into it and multiple that go out, it essentially works as a "Split Branch", which we currently do not have available for use yet.

    You can set the Recipient email to something completely random like to ensure the email address is not real.

    Please try implementing that and see if it suits your requirements.

    Thank you!