Mobile App > Offline Forms: Offline submissions not syncing when online.

  • pesquisa.cemic
    Asked on October 26, 2021 at 1:58 PM

    Hi there,

    my team has now consistently reported that they are submitting forms offline and then once they connect to the wifi the forms "disappear" as if they are not being sincronized. They receive a green message at the end with a checkmark saying it was submitted and everything.

    Yet, these forms do not show up in the database of responses and my researchers can no longer access their responses. Forms are simply disappearing.

    We have tried updating the app and login in and out.

    Please respond to this thread faster, this is a huge research project with hundreds of people collecting surveys.

  • Anthony_Evans
    Replied on October 26, 2021 at 4:28 PM

    Howdy pesquisa.cemic,

    I understand that you're collecting submissions on the Mobile App in Offline Mode, and when you reconnect to the internet the submissions are not being pushed to your account. I understand that you have already attempted to update the app and log in again. Please note that if the app was removed from the device, this will have cleared any stored "offline" submissions that remained. I apologize for any inconvenience.

    Please provide the device type (Android, Apple, Microsoft), model (Samsung Galaxy s21, iPhone 12, Surface), and OS version.

    Also, please try creating an submission while offline with a different type of device and confirm if the offline submissions are still not being pushed to the account when you reconnect the account.

    Thank you for your assistance and understanding!

  • pesquisa.cemic
    Replied on October 27, 2021 at 8:53 AM

    Hi there, thank you for the response.

    Your requests are really difficult for me since my team is quite large (more than 80 researchers) with different devices. In my case I have an Iphone X and it works fine. But, for instance, two other researchers have an Iphone 7 and Samsung A11 - can't say the ios version.

    With regards to this: "Please note that if the app was removed from the device, this will have cleared any stored "offline" submissions that remained." - it was not the case since we deleted the app only after submissions had disappeared once the phone was connected online.

    ALSO, the Samsung 11 submitted with the link on a chrome browser and it worked just fine. But then she went to the app, synced and her submission appeared on the responses - so it's clear it's something with the app.

    I am attaching a link with a screen recording we have made (after we recorded this video we also tried submitting on Kiosk mode and the issue persists)

  • Mianala
    Replied on October 27, 2021 at 10:02 AM

    Hi there,

    I'm using iPhone 7 but offline mode works well on my end.

    Have already tried to Sync your Data?

    27 10 2021 16 57 52 Screenshot 10

    Thanks for your collaboration.

  • pesquisa.cemic
    Replied on October 27, 2021 at 10:25 AM

    That's an obvious request. Did you see the video? It starts with us syncing the data.

  • Amos_W
    Replied on October 27, 2021 at 11:31 AM

    Alright, So..

    I've cleared your forms cache hopefully that should help.

    Another thing that might will help is to clone the form and try working on the new form.

    Please try filling some dummy forms and see if there is any improvement,

    Please let us know if that helps in any way.

    Thank you

  • luxuryicon37
    Replied on November 2, 2021 at 11:30 AM

    Is this possible to show the animatino of form even if the user is offline? I want to setup the form on my page.

  • Amos_W
    Replied on November 2, 2021 at 12:53 PM

    Hi there,

    I didn't quite understand your question, can you explain what you mean about your page?

    If you want to be able to access forms offline, you can simply go to Settings>Offline forms> from there you can choose which form you can fill offline.

    Please let us know if you need any further assistance,

    Thank you