Approval workflow allowing 'approver' to edit form

  • ecomlogisticsinc
    Asked on November 8, 2021 at 6:21 PM


    I am trying to create an approval workflow where person A fills out a form, it gets sent to person B for approval who adds more data into the form fields, and then presses "Approved' so that it reaches person C through email.

    So far I have managed to create the following workflow: Person A submits the form, it reaches Person B to approve, after approval it reaches Person C's email. However, I can't seem to find a tool that will allow person B to edit the form and make changes to it before approving it and sending it to C.

    If it's possible to arrange a quick zoom call with someone from the support staff I would really appreciate it. Right now I'm experimenting with the free plan before committing to paid ones.

    Here's my current approval workflow:

    1636413656 6189b0d81387e  Screenshot 10

  • John Support Team Lead
    Replied on November 8, 2021 at 11:50 PM

    Unfortunately, we don't provide phone/video calls. But allow me to check and test the form. I have the idea to make it work so I can at least record a video on how to implement it on your form.

    I will get back to you here once I have the solution ready.

  • ecomlogisticsinc
    Replied on November 9, 2021 at 12:15 PM

    Update: I figured out a way to make it work. I don't know if it's the cleanest solution but here it is:

    Go to the settings for an 'approve and sign' element and edit the 'customer signer request email'. Add the edit link "{edit_link}" to the form next to the 'approved/denied' element. This is found in the 'form fields' dropdown.

    The workflow now goes like this: approver (person B) receives the form from person A and clicks on the edit link that was added to the form. After making the required changes person B submits the form again. The workflow is restarted therefore person B receives their own edited form in their email again for approval. Once approved it reaches person C.

    If you have a better way to do this, please do share. Thank you.

  • John Support Team Lead
    Replied on November 9, 2021 at 2:55 PM

    We're glad to know that you were able to manage setting up the flow based on your requirements.

    One thing though, since the flow is being restarted, it means PERSON B will have to approve the submission twice:

    1636486249 618acc69c3717  Screenshot 10

    So how about setting it up like this:

    Firstly, add a GET FORM PAGE URL widget to the form:

    1636487282 618ad072d13c2  Screenshot 21

    This will capture the form's URL if it's an edit link or first submission.

    Next, set up the flow like this:

    1636487176 618ad00811a9a  Screenshot 32

    Th flow is divided into two parallel outcomes:

    Step 1: The IF/ELSE conditions checks the URL if it contains an "EDIT" word. If it doesn't have it, then it's a first submission. It will then proceed to sending the emails with edit links depending on the value of the TERMINAL CLIENT field:

    1636487509 618ad155034a6  Screenshot 43

    As you can see here, I have just used one conditional branch with all the 3 conditions combined. And depending on the result, an email with the edit link will be sent to the specific user and the flow is terminated.

    STEP 2: So if PERSON B receives the email, edited the submission, and resubmits it, the the flow will restart, right? And this time, step 2 will be triggered since the IF/ELSE condition now returns TRUE as the form URL contains and "edit" word.

    That's when the approval emails will be sent it out, again, depending on the value of the TERMINAL AND CLIENT field.

    And that's basically it! This prevents person B to receive 2 approval emails.

  • ecomlogisticsinc
    Replied on November 9, 2021 at 4:58 PM

    Thanks for taking out the time John.

    If I understand from this workflow, person B is still receiving two emails, the first is the initial submission by Person A, and the second is the edited submission now coming for approval to Person B. The difference is essentially instead of receiving two 'approval' emails, person B is now receiving one to just edit and the other to just approve?

  • John Support Team Lead
    Replied on November 9, 2021 at 6:18 PM

    Yes, that is correct. There will still be two emails - one with the edit link and one Approval email.

    In your current setup, Person B receives the approval email, click on the edit link then resubmit, then go to the email again and click approve. After that he will receive another approval email (with the edit link). So what if he forgot that he already edited the submission? That will result into multiple edits or shall a say a "loop".

    But if you're going to use the one I shared, then we can prevent that. Sending the edit link once, it stops there. Sending the approval email, then the flow stops there as well.

  • ecomlogisticsinc
    Replied on November 10, 2021 at 2:21 PM

    Got it. Thank you!

  • HudsonMiddle
    Replied on November 10, 2021 at 7:58 PM

    Hello - I use Get Form URL on many of my forms, but now the "edit" is not showing up! It is form.form...


  • Tommaso_F
    Replied on November 11, 2021 at 2:33 AM

    Hello @HudsonMiddle

    Could you please give us more details about your concern so we can assist you properly?

    Unfortunately, your description doesn't let us provide the best support. Could you please send us screenshots of the issue?

  • ecomlogisticsinc
    Replied on December 9, 2021 at 1:33 PM

    How can I put text on the approval workflow branches to differentiate between them?

    I know you added the "Step 1" and "Step 2" texts on the screenshot of the approval page, but I want to know how to leave notes for other people who look at this flowchart. Thanks

  • Amin_N
    Replied on December 9, 2021 at 2:16 PM

    Hi again,

    You can annotate the flow elements as shown below.

    1639077347 61b255e3a3e69  Screenshot 10

    I hope I have been of any help.