Jotform Updates ! May 5, 2014

  • Jeanette JotForm Support
    Asked on May 5, 2014 at 10:59 AM
    Jotform Updates ! May 5, 2014 Image 1 Screenshot 150
    Hello everyone!

    It's springtime and I am happy that I am back with exciting news to you all! -Nope, I wasn't on vacations :)  

    Since the last time I sent you all my newsletter, major things have happened to the JotForm platform. Now a days, we got tons of cool new additions: widgets, apps and more new features to our existing widgets. 
    So here we go!


    This is a beta release. We have perfected the daily digest emails with the help of 100 JotForm users. Here is a screenshot of a digest email, to find out more details, click on the image:
    daily digest for form submissions Screenshot 161
    A powerful math engine for your forms. Our developers worked on behalf of hundreds of JotForm users to find the perfect set of calculation features, a very easy way to introduce simple additions/subtractions to your forms or even advanced mathematical equations this widget is exactly what need.

    add calculation field Screenshot 172

    We even have created a section into our USER GUIDE!  See  Form Calculations

    REVISION HISTORY: Never loose your work again!
    I know many of you already have noticed this new cool feature. 

    Well, let me tell you that one of the most important use cases for Revision History is to recover lost data for deleted questions. Click on the image to keep reading.

    form revisions Screenshot 183

    CONDITIONAL LOGIC's: Duplicate Conditions and save time!
    Now you can duplicate conditions and/or  copy/paste them.
    Simply click on the + sign and bam! You get a new set of conditions for you to just make adjustments, rather than starting to choose the fields from the scratch.

    Jotform Updates ! May 5, 2014 Image 2 Screenshot 194

    CONDITIONAL LOGIC's:  Set a field as "required" when a condition is met!

    Many of our users have requested to us to have a field as required only when a certain condition is met. Now it's possible!

    Jotform Updates ! May 5, 2014 Image 3 Screenshot 205


    WEBHOOKS: Editing Submissions and Re-submit will trigger Webhooks We have added "submissionEdit" flag to prevent duplication on submission data when the Edit Link is used. Flag will only be sent if submission is edited, not on new submissions

    PAYPAL   SHIPPING COST AND WEIGHT now available for your Paypal Order Forms!
    This has been a SO much requested feature, and now is available and we are happy this is now served. Phew!

    Jotform Updates ! May 5, 2014 Image 4 Screenshot 216

    See this animation

    Jotform Updates ! May 5, 2014 Image 5 Screenshot 227

    SHIPPING ADDRESS:  Now Available for both Paypal standard and Pro integrations!

    Jotform Updates ! May 5, 2014 Image 6 Screenshot 238


    Apply discount on shipping with coupon codes!
    You may now offer free shipping to your Purchase Order or Paypal-integrated form with the use of coupons.

    https://shots Screenshot 249


    You can have Paypal's Instant Notification (IPN)  sent to URLs of your choice!
    Use case:  Say you want to accept data through our forms and then send it service, well this is perfect for you!

    Jotform Updates ! May 5, 2014 Image 7 Screenshot 2510

    Jotform Updates ! May 5, 2014 Image 8 Screenshot 2611



    You may now specify shipping info (address and name) for your Authorize.Net-integrated form. Simply rightclick on the payment field, click Show Properties, then choose the fields to match shipping address and name.

    Jotform Updates ! May 5, 2014 Image 9 Screenshot 2712

    Note: only Full Name and Address fields can be used for name and address, respectively.


    Ever wanted to show  percentage completed in your surveys or long forms?  
    Check this useful widget! 

    Jotform Updates ! May 5, 2014 Image 10 Screenshot 2813
    You can set your form up so that it will count only the visible fields and/or required field

     Jotform Updates ! May 5, 2014 Image 11 Screenshot 2914

    This is a very useful widget. You can even use it in Order Forms to inform your users how many items are left!

      Jotform Updates ! May 5, 2014 Image 12 Screenshot 3015

    Add customized titles to Form Tabs Widget now!

    Add the widget to a form with page breakers, if you leave it as it is it will set numbers to the tabs.

    You can set custom titles and Custom CSS codes as you like!
    Jotform Updates ! May 5, 2014 Image 13 Screenshot 3116

     ...and viola!

    Jotform Updates ! May 5, 2014 Image 14 Screenshot 3217
  • jeantaveras
    Replied on May 16, 2014 at 12:41 PM

    Since this page update i cannot view the submmited form :S , neither in the email detailed comes emty mail.
  • Mike_T
    Replied on May 16, 2014 at 3:42 PM


    Let me please inform you, that we improve the product many times a day, so your issue is most likely related to something else. I have moved your message into a new thread, and will get back to you quickly.