Auto resize textarea height when form is printed using the form's print button.

  • angiesoul
    Asked on May 6, 2014 at 12:24 AM


    I am having a problem with my jotform as when I save the form to a PDF, it normally wraps all of the text so it is visible, but for some reason it is not doing this and cutting out required text. 

    If you could please email me at, this would be greatly appreciated. 


    Rachel Everett-Jones

    Jotform Thread 372299 Screenshot
  • Ashwin JotForm Support
    Replied on May 6, 2014 at 2:52 AM

    Hello angiesoul,

    I am not sure if I have understood your question correctly.

    Do you mean to say that when you input data in the text area and print it in pdf, it does not wrap the text to display all the content?

    Please be noted that when you print your form to pdf, it will print exactly the same way you see the form when you input texts. It will not wrap the text of text area to show all the content.

    You may like to take a look at the "Textarea Autosize" widget which automatically increases the height to display all the content. When you print the form in PDF, you will be able to see the complete input text. Please check the screenshot below: 

    Auto resize textarea height when form is printed using the forms print button Screenshot 20
    I would suggest you to please replace your form's textarea fields with "Textarea Autosize" widget and that should solve your problem.
    Hope this helps.
    Do get back to us if you meant to ask something else.
    Thank you!
  • angiesoul
    Replied on May 6, 2014 at 9:58 PM

    Hello, and thank you for your response. I should have mentioned in the previous email, that the form used to print all of the text entered when printed as a PDF - wrapped.

    So this is not me seeking a new level of functionality, rather, the disappearance or failure of current fuctionality. Considering this point, we would rather the support team help rectify the problem than risk further compounding it by making adjustments to widgets.

    looking forward to your response asap.




  • Welvin Support Team Lead
    Replied on May 7, 2014 at 1:58 AM

    Let me forward this thread to our developers so they can check this feature and advise us for possible solutions or a fixed. 

    Thank you for your patience and understanding in this matter.


  • NeilVicente
    Replied on May 21, 2014 at 6:31 AM


    Exporting a submission into PDF should display all the text, as the text is no longer contained inside a textarea, as opposed to printing directly from the browser.

    Printing directly from the browser (without converting to PDF), will NOT include hidden text in the print, because the Print Form button the browser's native print function which prints only what it (the browser) can see.

    You can use either of these two workarounds:

    A.  Increase the textarea's row and column size to accommodate more text

    Auto resize textarea height when form is printed using the forms print button Screenshot 20

    B.  Replace your form's textareas with the autosize textarea widget (Note: removing a field will delete all data associated with it)