"A problem occured while generating excel file" Is what I get when trying to access my submissions from an excel report

  • canefe
    Asked on May 15, 2014 at 10:55 AM
    Another message I receive often is "A problem occured while generating excel file". However  I have to get an excel report every day several times. This costs me lots of time wasting.
  • TitusN
    Replied on May 15, 2014 at 2:58 PM

    Have you considered sending the excel file to dropbox through this app?

    An alternative would also be sending the file to Google Spreadsheets

    These third party services will create a buffer to increase your efficiency - and also serve as a fallback.

    I say this because sometimes our servers recieve the same request from thousands of users at the same time, and the excel generating application can time out while processing all the requests - or it could also be related to network connectivity - either way - the frequency you use to access the excel reports might be inturrupted from time to time.

    Would you mind telling us the workflow you currently have in regards to creating and accessing the reports - and we will address the issue definitively in a way that increases your efficiency.

    Thank you for your patience.