After creating an Auto Responder after I click "Finish" the message returns to the default?

  • TridentServices
    Asked on May 15, 2014 at 2:41 PM



    I greated an Auto Responder using some of the form fields...

    I sent a test message and the form appeared as I set it up...

    I clicked "Finish" and went to test the form with actual data to check the appearance and what I received was the default form with all the data in columns??

    I checked the "AutoResponder" and found that the message, with the exception of the suject had reverted back to the original format..

    Is there something I am missing in the save process?

    I would appreciate any help you can give me -Jim Fischer

  • KadeJM
    Replied on May 15, 2014 at 4:38 PM

    It sounds like you clicked Finish but then it may not have had enough time to save right away. Did you close out the form afterwards and then test it?

    I looked at your account and I see 4 forms. Can you please tell us which one you had this problem on and we will gladly check on it for you.

  • TridentServices
    Replied on May 15, 2014 at 5:51 PM

    The form is the one labeled "TEST"

    It is a "cloned" form - the Auto Responder was there originally

    I just tried again...

    I entered  the text, moved some of the {fields} to fit within the text,clicked "Finish", "Saved" the form and checked the AutoResponder which had returned to its original state again?

    The only change I made between the numbered forms where the message is stable and this one is adding a hidden field after I had created the original message - is that a problem?

  • jonathan
    Replied on May 15, 2014 at 8:41 PM


    I was able reproduced what you reported.

    When I test submitted the form , the Autoresponder Email have the default message body format even when it was actually customized in the Autoresponder Email template.

    The custom autoresponder email message is like this in the e-mail editor

    After creating an Auto Responder after I click Finish the message returns to the default? Image 1 Screenshot 40


    BUT the format of the email message I received in my inbox was like this

    After creating an Auto Responder after I click Finish the message returns to the default? Image 2 Screenshot 51


    To fix the problem, please use the Unlock Data Table option in the email message to be able to send a customize message format  using the email.

    After creating an Auto Responder after I click Finish the message returns to the default? Image 3 Screenshot 62


    Please take note also of the confirm message that states the lossing of the capability to hide empty fields when unlocking data table.

    Try this on your form current autoresponder email and test again.

    Inform us if this did not make any difference.
