Question from client

  • heatsource
    Asked on June 3, 2014 at 6:48 PM

    Hi I am building a site for a mortage brokers. They have a question about about encryption: they need to be seen to be taking client info seriously and so what is the protection from the client submitting the form to then recieving it in their inbox?Is this explained somewhere on the site. They just need it tosign the site off.

    Cheers Paul

  • bob
    Replied on June 3, 2014 at 8:07 PM

    We are pleased to announce that all submitted data on our server are secure. We got very powerful cloud of servers whose storage is encrypted which provides security protection.

    Here goes something according to Aytekin, founder of Jotform:

    "...When you use https on the URL it only means the data is transferred to JotForm servers encrypted. It is not saved encrypted on our servers. We do everything we can to make sure our servers are secure, firewalled and always patched...."

    So, the data transferred from your browser to our server will also be secure, when you use SSL/secure form URL to accept submission,. We support high-grade 256-bit encryption.

    You have freedom of choice whther you want the form data to be secured. It totally depends on you to use the secure / SSL form URL or embed script. Please read the guidelines on How to Receive SSL submissions

    You may enable Security Certificate Seal in your form if you want your form users/clients to know that their data have been sent securely.

    Another important thread by Jeannette, Jotform Support Manager that might help you immnensely in this regard:


    Please get back to us with updates about your query.

    Thank you.