How do we pull data from a mysql database to pre populate a form or validate information?

  • macfee100
    Asked on June 29, 2014 at 4:22 PM
  • jonathan
    Replied on June 29, 2014 at 6:30 PM


    Unfortunately, there is no means to achieve this within the form builder. The currently available functionality is the other way around -- that is exporting or pushing the data to your database form the form data/value.

    As described in this article  -How-to-send-Submissions-to-Your-MySQL-Database-Using-PHP

    and JotForm Apps that does it --

    If you have the programming resource, you can create a custom program using server side programming like PHP to create an interface/connection to pull data from your database to the form fields. You will also need to use the form's full source code then.


    As an alternative process, if the objective is to be able to pre-fill the form fields with data or pre-populate the form submission's data with data from external data source.

    You can try this 2 Apps

    1. Field Prepopulator -- you can pre-populate the form fields before you can let the users use the form.

    2. Import Data App -- what it does is, you can directly fill your form's submission database with data from external data source like flat file CSV or Excel format. So, from your own database,you can export the data from there into CSV for example, then use this App to import it into the form submission.


    Hope this help. Inform us if there is more we can help you with.
