Can I fill out a full form from the back end?

  • QueensPark
    Asked on July 18, 2014 at 12:01 PM
  • Jeanette JotForm Support
    Replied on July 18, 2014 at 2:22 PM

    When you say "fill out the form from the back end" do you mean you want to show the form with pre-populated information?

    If that is the case, use this app to generate a prepopulated form URL

    Let us know should you need further help.

  • QueensPark
    Replied on July 18, 2014 at 2:29 PM

    I want to fill out someone's information as they would have done it online but in jotform itself on my back end. The reason being is that my form has a cross reference part an the person can't get to it. So I want to go into jotform back end and enter his credentials. 

  • Steve VP of Sales Operations
    Replied on July 18, 2014 at 4:10 PM


    Sure, you can do this.

    - First someone needs to create the submission. This can be either you or the user. For instance, you might have them submit the form with the information they do have, and then you can update it later.

    - To update existing submissions, navigate online to My Forms->Select the form-> then Submissions

    - On the Submission you want to edit, click the edit button and add and/or replace information as you see fit. Then press the submit button and the updated information will be saved.

    Can I fill out a full form from the back end?  Image 1 Screenshot 20

    Please let us know if you have any further questions.

    Kind Regards

  • QueensPark
    Replied on July 18, 2014 at 5:08 PM

    Ojk that is one way. But is there a way i can do it from a clean fresh form. Or only able to edit one thats already created?

  • Steve VP of Sales Operations
    Replied on July 18, 2014 at 6:00 PM


    There are two ways you can accomplish this.

    1) if you have all the information that's needed, and don't need any information from the end user, then just submit the form on your own. To do that, just navigate out to the permanent link of your form, and fill it out:

    2) if you have part of the information, and want to fill it out and send to the user to complete, then you can use our prepopulate app, as noted by our Support Manager, above:

    To use this:

    - navigate to this link: (it can also be accessed through our apps interface as well:

    - select the populate fields button, and then grant it access to JotForm:

    Can I fill out a full form from the back end?  Image 1 Screenshot 40

    - Then select the form you'd like to prepopulate

    - Then fill out the fields you'd like to save with default data:

    Can I fill out a full form from the back end?  Image 2 Screenshot 51

    - Once done, click the generate URL button.

    - From there it will give you a link that you can send to the user with the default information you set up. The user can then fill out the rest and submit the form.

    Can I fill out a full form from the back end?  Image 3 Screenshot 62

    Note that the prepopulate app doesn't save information as a submission. It stores it in the URL that you'll send them. So you can use it as many times as you like, but also be aware that the information won't be saved in your account until someone submits the form.

    Hopefully one of these two options will work for you. Please let us know if you have further questions, or need assistance setting this up.
