warning when subscription limit reached?

  • roblonghurst
    Asked on August 6, 2014 at 11:04 AM

    I'm about to start using a form and don't know how many responses I'll get each month.  I suspect it might be around the 1,000 mark.  If I sign up for the plan that allows up to 1,000 responses, will I get a warning when I get close to the limit?

     What happens when the limit is reached if submissions keep coming in?



    Rob Longhurst


  • KadeJM
    Replied on August 6, 2014 at 12:00 PM

    The premium plan should cover the 1,000 submissions as it is the most common for expected submissions counts up to that amount. And yes, it works the same exact way with all of our plans. should you be close to the limit then you would receive a warning notice to give you a heads up that it would be a good idea to upgrade otherwise you would be halted until your plan resets itself.