Formular wird nicht mehr angezeigt, nach Umstellung auf https

  • vk23
    Asked on August 12, 2014 at 12:06 PM


    ich wollte meine Homepage von http auf https umstellen. Dabei habe ich festegestellt, dass das eingebundene Kontaktformular garnicht mehr angezeigt wird.


    Woran kann das liegen? Kann man dieses Problem beheben?


    Beste Grüße,

    Marcus Kühn

  • KadeJM
    Replied on August 12, 2014 at 1:39 PM

    Were you talking about securing your website as https:// then? 

    If so then you won't be able to load a standard form over a secured website which is the reason why it was not working. If you are using a secured website then you must use a secured form. Upon doing so though, please note that your submissions would then count as SSL Submissions.