Separate Product Items and Total into two columns in Excel Report

  • anamaineforms
    Asked on August 14, 2014 at 2:30 PM


    I have two questions:

    1. JotForm Submission Report

    In the submission report (Excel) the Total amount is listed with the product in the Products column.
    Ex: Student: No Early Bird Rate (Amount: 45.00 USD)
    Total: 45.00

    Is there a way to create a separate "Total" column next to "Products" column on the spreadsheet that shows the amount?

    It would be something like this:


    Student: No Early Bird Rate (Amount: 45.00 USD)


    Total: 45.00


    2. Item ID on PayPal Pro Report - please see:

    On the PayPal Pro transaction report there are fields (columns) that are passed from JotForm. I believe one of the fields is "Item ID". I want to add data to this field - I want to use it as a hidden field. Where in JotForm do I find it?

    There are also other fields in the PayPal transaction report, the address fields (highlighted in red) is there a way to populate these through the JotForm form?

    The reason for this request: my client wants to use one PayPal Pro account for different forms with separate JotForm accounts. One person will be managing PayPal Pro and that person needs to know which transaction is from which form(account). This person doesn't want to get any JotForm notifications. So adding hidden field on forms is not going to help. 

    What I want is a field(s) other than transaction fields that can be passed to PayPal Pro. Or if you have a recommendation/work around for my needs.

    The Excel spreadsheet: yellow highlights = had data but removed them for security reason.

    Thank you for your help!


  • Welvin Support Team Lead
    Replied on August 14, 2014 at 5:36 PM

    Hi Misrak,

    With regards to your first question, unfortunately, that is not possible. Product Items and Total are currently into a single column and there is no way you can edit it in your Jotform dashboard. We can send a request to our developers if you want to.

    Your second question has been moved here: Please kindly check.

    Thank you!

  • dsalzman
    Replied on September 8, 2014 at 1:36 PM

    Just happened to come across this post. I was also looking to break each product down into separate columns, as well as the total. If the developers can work on this for a future release that would be extremely helpful. We have to manually separate each product right now and it's a bit time consuming.

    Thanks! :)