Show all jotforms with same layout across all devices

    Asked on October 7, 2014 at 4:25 PM
  • jonathan
    Replied on October 7, 2014 at 7:32 PM


    I am not sure what you meant.. can you please provide more details.

    The jotform is suppose to be the same way on every computer browser. 

    Example, if you use your jotform on different browser they should have the same behavior and look.

    If you provide us more details about your inquiry, will be glad to check more on it.






    Replied on October 10, 2014 at 12:48 PM

    We have a section on our jotform that asks users to input on task behavior (+) for on task (-) for off task.  There are 60 data points to take during a 5 minute period.  It should match our hard copy form with 12 on each row with 5 rows.  On some computers we can only see 6 across, on some computers we see 13 across...we would live everyone to view it so it matches the hard copy form.  When I look at it on my mac computer it looks different than when I look at it on my laptop.  Hope this is clearer...

  • Ben
    Replied on October 10, 2014 at 2:14 PM


    I took a look at your jotform called "Basic 5 Observation CCSD Pilot 2014 / 2015" and I see the +/- radio buttons that you have at the bottom of it. I presume that it is this jotform or some other that has a similar structure.

    Now based on what I saw it is working properly - depending on the screen resolution to set the fields. What I presume that had happened is that someone took a look at the jotform on a smaller device, which shows different layout.

    We could set it up for you so that all the fields are always 12 no matter if the device is mobile device or not, if this is what you want, but I would always suggest leaving it to get changed depending on the device in order to allow people filling it out to do it with as little trouble as possible.

    Now before we can help you set the rows to exactly 12 fields per row, can you please tell us if you are embedding the jotform somewhere or if your jotform is used directly?

    If you are embedding it, please give us a link to the page where the jotform in question is and we will tell you what should be changed to have it as you like.

    If you go to it directly, please give us the link to it so that we know which jotform exactly is the one causing issues.

    Once we know these details we will be able to help you set it up per your wishes.

    Best Regards,