Integrate Payment Wizard with Inventory

  • EMYEstetica
    Asked on October 20, 2014 at 5:23 AM

    Hi, I still could not find a way on how to integrate PAYMENT WIZARD (Paypal) with any of your Widgets/Plugins.
    Can anyone give a suggestion?



  • Charlie
    Replied on October 20, 2014 at 8:41 AM

    Hi EMI,

    Unfortunately, it is not possible right now to make an integration between payment options and other widgets. Although, some basic changes can be done, but to achieve that you will have to download your form's source code and add custom JavaScript to make changes in values like number of items and total purchases. This requires a lot of technicalities and we can't guarantee that it will work.

    Please be noted that if you embed your form with its source code, any changes you make in editor will not be visible in your web page. You will have to download your form's source code again and embed it. 

    Thank you!

  • paulnaylor7
    Replied on October 20, 2014 at 6:54 PM

    Thanks Charlie :)
    I appreciate your feedback.

  • Charlie
    Replied on October 20, 2014 at 8:10 PM

    You are most welcome. Feel free to drop by to our forum and open a new thread when you need assistance or have any concerns. 

    Thank you.