Is there a new way to stabilize the Voice Recorder Widget?

  • omliving
    Asked on October 27, 2014 at 1:39 PM


    I have worked with your team to integrate your voice recorded widget into a few of my forms. In the past we had widget stability issues and we worked out a plan that was supporting them to be stable.

    I recently launched the use of these with my clients, and I am seeing again the voice recorder is not always working. I have it currently set as a required field (this was a part of what helped it be stable in the past), so now if it is not working a client cant fill out the form. I recently did some testing with it, and found that it worked sometimes on my Mac laptop and sometimes it did not. 

    I want to check in with you about this and see what can be done. Is there anything further I can do to stabilize this widget? If I cannot get it to stabilize I will need to pull this feature for the forms. My clients love being able to leave me a voice recording there but it is broken and not working - of course I will pull it...

    I would greatly appreciate any insight help and support you can offer. :-)

    Thank you,





  • Mike_T
    Replied on October 27, 2014 at 4:43 PM

    I think that the Voice Recorder widget is based on flash, and it will not work properly on your Mac or PC if you do not have the Adobe Flash Player installed on the machine. Please make sure that you have the Adobe Flash Player installed on your computer and re-check the widget. If there are still any issues, please let us know, so we will be able to investigate it further.

    Thank you.

  • omliving
    Replied on October 27, 2014 at 4:51 PM
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