What is the difference between a "Text box" and a "Text area"?

  • sberry
    Asked on October 30, 2014 at 12:28 PM

    What is the difference between a "Text box" and a "Text area"?

    I want to give the user a chance to enter a Comment of any length after each question.  Ideally it would not take up much room on the survey screen- what should I use?

    Also, where should I have gone to find the answer to this on my own?


  • KadeJM
    Replied on October 30, 2014 at 1:51 PM

    The difference between the two is pretty much the size of them. If you are planning on using it for a comment section the Textarea would probably be more idea since it is resizable and allows an entry limit which is also a little bit bigger for that purpose.

    Additionally, more information can be found in our Overview of Field Types which is a User Guide.

    Textbox -

    What is the difference between a Text box and a Text area? Image 1 Screenshot 30


    Textarea - 

    What is the difference between a Text box and a Text area? Image 2 Screenshot 41