Stripe payment post data does not include value in Thank You page?

  • centerweb
    Asked on November 29, 2014 at 4:20 PM

    Hi, I am testing stripe payment, and I notice that when I redirect to a thank you page and look at the post data, there is no post data for a calculation page or the stripe widget which I need in order to pass the data of how much was spent.  I looped through everything in the post, is there something I am missing?


    edit: could this be because I am stripe in test mode?

  • Charlie
    Replied on November 29, 2014 at 8:48 PM


    Yes, it might be because you're doing it in test mode. We have a guide on how to pass POST data to your custom PHP script, you can find the guide here:

    Also, if you can share a screenshot of the problem that would help us a lot on assisting you more.

    We'll wait for your response.

    Thank you.