Is it possible to Clear a Form by selecting a different drop down item?

  • humbuckermusic
    Asked on December 19, 2014 at 10:21 AM

    Here's my problem.  I have a form that works fine as long as a customer doesn't go back up the form and change one of the answers to something else.  Because of the show/hide logic, some of the unnecessary fields are still shown if they change a dropdown item.

    The link to the form is below.   A great solution would be if I had the ability to clear the form each time the answer to "Choose a MESA Boogie Cab to Customize" is changed.  




  • val
    Replied on December 19, 2014 at 12:25 PM


    If I am understand you correctly, you mean you need to hide the "Choose a MESA Boogie Cab to Customize" if the user select one of the dropdown list? if that is what you want, yes you can hide the "Choose a MESA Boogie Cab to Customize" by you using this Conditional logic.

    Please check this screenshot:

    Is it possible to Clear a Form by selecting a different drop down item? Image 1 Screenshot 20

    Hope this help.


  • humbuckermusic
    Replied on December 19, 2014 at 12:51 PM

    Unfortunately, that's not what I was trying to say.  I'll give you a detailed example of the problem.

    Let's say with the first question, you select "1x12 Thiele"

    Then you select "Blue Bronco" as the next answer.

    So far so good.  :)

    Now, if the customer changes their mind on the first question, and decides to re-select "1x12 Royal Atlantic 27" , then proceeds to select "Blue Bronco" again, the field that I showed from the "1x12 Thiele" (called "std - color plus grill - Select Grill Cloth") is still shown and isn't hidden.  It should only be displaying "ra - color plus grill - Select Grill Cloth".

    Does that make better sense?  :)



  • val
    Replied on December 19, 2014 at 1:31 PM


    Thank you form the clarification. Yes, its possible using this condition.

    "IF Choose a MESA Boogie Cab to Customize Is Equal To "1X12 Royal Atlantic 27 --- $439"
    HIDE std - Only grill - Select Grill Cloth"

    Please check this screenshot below.

    Is it possible to Clear a Form by selecting a different drop down item? Image 1 Screenshot 20

    Hope this help.


  • humbuckermusic
    Replied on December 19, 2014 at 2:46 PM

    Unfortunately, that only resolves that one example.  Other selections can cause the same problem to happen with other fields.  

    The first question, "Choose a MESA Boogie Cab to Customize" has about thirty possible responses, with each triggering one of ten responses.  Creating a rule for each scenario (about 300 different ones) would be unacceptable.  I'm sure you'd agree. :)

    That leads me to my original question... Is it possible to clear a form by selecting a different drop down item?

  • Mike_T
    Replied on December 19, 2014 at 4:06 PM

    Unfortunately, this is not possible to clear the form upon drop down selection.

    I have a form that works fine as long as a customer doesn't go back up the form and change one of the answers to something else. 

    You might try creating conditions to show the necessary fields only. It is not clear when the 'std - Only grill - Select Grill Cloth' option is supposed to be displayed, so this is hard to provide some example.