How can i remove a default recipient email for any new form I create?

  • optizign13
    Asked on January 13, 2015 at 6:37 PM

    Every time i go to create a new form there is always a recipient automatically added which is our email on file. I do not want to have to manually remove this every time, is there a way to keep this area blank?

  • Charlie
    Replied on January 13, 2015 at 8:36 PM


    Unfortunately, you need to delete or replace the recipient email when creating a new form. This is because the notification is automatically created whenever a new form is made so that users will receive emails from that form. If we disable this, it's quite a long process when after you create a form you'll need to setup this manually from the email template up to the "Reply To and Recipient" email settings, and most users will forgot to setup this part if we left this blank automatically. We want users to receive notifications from their registered emails whenever they create a new form.

    You'll also notice that when you left the recipient email as blank it won't allow you to proceed, it is a required field.

    How can i remove a default recipient email for any new form I create? Image 1 Screenshot 30

    You can, however, delete the whole notification, but you won't be notified by email if the form receives any new submissions.

    How can i remove a default recipient email for any new form I create? Image 2 Screenshot 41


    I hope this helps.

    Thank you