"Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" error when viewing the form using its non-secure URL

  • floydpr
    Asked on January 21, 2015 at 9:07 AM

    One of our forms that is used a lot every day is now producing an "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" error. We primarily use IE, but I checked in Chrome too and if gives a webpage not available error. The link to the form the use is: http://form.jotformpro.com/form/40783643445964


    I went to the log and clicked on the url for this form and the url was different. The word " form" at the beginning of the url was not there. I supplied them with the secure version of the form, which works. I noticed this url replaced the word "form" with the word "secure". 

    Can you please investigate and tell me why the url suddenly stopped working today? 



  • Welvin Support Team Lead
    Replied on January 21, 2015 at 10:33 AM


    That could be a temporary issue. Have you recently check it and does the same error appears?

    What IE version, for example? Let us know so we can check it to our end using the same version. I checked the form using IE 11 in Windows 7, but I cannot reproduce the issue.

    You can also try www.jotformpro.com/form/40783643445964


  • Welvin Support Team Lead
    Replied on January 21, 2015 at 10:34 AM

    By the way, the form's complete secure URL should be: https://secure.jotformpro.com/form/40783643445964.


  • floydpr
    Replied on January 23, 2015 at 4:15 PM

    I'm not sure if you have received my followup emails but I have not received a response from you and I normally hear from you quickly, so I am trying to response directly on this forum.


    I am wondering if the word "form" is the issue as it seems the forms we give links to people for have this word in the url and when we take it out or replace with the secure link ( which changes the word form to secure) it works.


    Should we change all urls to this without the word form or secure link? Is this a bug you have noticed? It seems it started just a few days ago since the people who use that form just called me about it then and they used that same link for a long time before that. 


    Will the word "form" in the url not be a problem at some point? 

  • Jeanette JotForm Support
    Replied on January 23, 2015 at 6:33 PM

    The best way to resolve the issue is by grabbing the secure link from the Embed wizard (mark the secure check first, then grab the embed code)

    And it's not a bug. Secure versions of forms are rendered from secure.jotorm.xx  domains. So, if you use the secure version, you'lll notice that. The normal embed one is usually rendered from either www.jotform.xxx or  form.jotform.xxx

    So, whatever the wizard renders, you should take it, we have lots of similar domains, and it depends on the user location.