Embed Form on an Email?

  • quannguyen1234
    Asked on March 20, 2015 at 12:48 PM



    This instruction is fantastic. However, my form requires user to upload files while the embedded form in my email message doesnt. It also shows the upload file button but when i clicked on it, it did nothing. Please help me to enable this. Thanks

  • Charlie
    Replied on March 20, 2015 at 1:07 PM


    Unfortunately, we do not recommend embedding your form's full source code into an email. This is because there are a lot of email service provider that are strict on emails with HTML and other script tags on it. In this case, we are using <script> codes and external stylesheets, some of it might will be stripped in the processed of receiving that email. 

    Regarding the uploading of file, are you using a widget or the default file upload field in the form? If you are using a widget it is highly probably that it won't work. But if you are using the default File Upload field, I believe it should still function.

    Please do also take note that when submitting the form in the email, the email service provider might allow it, some may block it, depending on how conservative their security is. We advise that you email them the form's URL or direct link instead of embedding it on an email message body.

    I hope this help.

    Kind regards