Why am i receiving clients' payment, but no submitted form?

  • sgordonphotograph
    Asked on April 9, 2015 at 11:19 PM

    On multiple occasions, I've had clients submit forms with payment option at the end of it.  I receive their payment through paypal, but no notification from jotform that they have submitted the form.  I've had to send the form and payment separately to them and it's such a hassle to be reminding them when either of them has not been submitted, so i'm trying to have both my terms and conditions (agreement form) and payment all in one.  I've attached the form URL.  Thanks for your help.  

  • Ashwin JotForm Support
    Replied on April 10, 2015 at 4:27 AM

    Hello sgordonphotograph,

    I'm sorry for the trouble caused to you.

    Upon checking your form's submission page, I found that all your submissions ended up in "Incomplete Payments" section. Please check the screenshot below:

    Why am i receiving clients payment, but no submitted form? Image 1 Screenshot 20


    There are two reasons why the submissions ended up in incomplete payments:

    #1. When the users are redirect to PayPal check out page but did not settle the payment. This is not applicable in your case,  since you have already received the Payments in your PayPal account.

    #2. IPN of your PayPal account is disabled. When the users completes the payment, a message is sent to JotForm through IPN that the payment was successful. If the IPN of your PayPal account is disabled, JotForm will not know that the payment was successful.

    I would suggest you to please check your PayPal account and ensure that IPN is enabled. The following guide should help you:  https://www.jotform.com/help/276-How-to-Enable-IPN-for-Paypal 

    You may also like to check our FAQ section on this as well:  https://www.jotform.com/help/272-Paypal-Incomplete-Payments-FAQ 

    Please be noted that it is possible to trigger submission notification for incomplete payments as well. This will let you know that you have received submission. The following guide should help you:  https://www.jotform.com/help/273-How-to-setup-Incomplete-Payment-Notification-E-mail 

    Do get back to us if you have any questions.

    Thank you!