Remove white background on the fields

  • labman3
    Asked on May 19, 2015 at 2:21 PM

    When i put my cursor on any input field, a white field pops up behind it. how can i remove all these annoying white spaces so that you can only see the fields as they appear when first loading form?

    the second issue is that when i move my cursor from one field to another, i get a 'this field is required' warning. how can i make it so that it only displays this warning upon submission and not when someone puts the mouse inside a field and then leaves? 
  • Aurora JotForm Support
    Replied on May 19, 2015 at 2:59 PM

    @ labman3

    To clear the white spaces in your form, you can go ahead and inject the following CSS Code :

    #id_9, #id_10, #id_5, #id_7, #id_6, #id_8, #id_11, #id_12, #id_37, #id_28{

    background-color: transparent; }

    Access your form in edit mode, click on Preferences, the Preferences screen will pop up, click on Form Styles, at the bottom of this screen, add the above indicated css code, at the Inject Custom CSS option, as shown below:

    Remove white background on the fields Image 1 Screenshot 20


    Your second issue is moved to another thread, you may find the answer here:, we usually answer one question per thread, this is in order to address every single issue the most appropriate and thoroughly way.

    Thanks for understanding.




  • labman3
    Replied on May 26, 2015 at 3:39 PM

    Hello again,

    The white spaces are back, but the injected css is still there.

  • Kiran Support Team Lead
    Replied on May 26, 2015 at 5:02 PM

    As I check your JotForm, I see that the fields are now displayed without any background color except for Your BMI field. Hope you have figured it out. You can also add the field #id_41 to the list in the CSS code injected so that the white background on this field shall be removed.

    Let us know if you mean to ask something different. We will be happy to help.
