Visual Report Not Showing Entire Survey

  • lowellgeneral
    Asked on May 28, 2015 at 9:02 AM

    I read in an old thread that Visual Report is a one-page display.

    Is it still true that a Visual Report is only useful in a one-page survey for a couple of questions? This is very disappointing, if so. 

    I have need for complex forms requiring multiple pages, as some of the respondees are not allowed to participate in answering certain questions, based on their employment status.  So multiple pages are necessary, and I use the "skip to" function to handle this.

    I can't figure out how to get Visual Reports to progress beyond the page break.  I can't see or manipulate any of the questions beyond the break to create a custom report.

    Please let me know what the next steps are, as it may require a redesign of my forms.  Many thanks.

  • Kiran Support Team Lead
    Replied on May 28, 2015 at 11:43 AM

    I am not sure if I understand your query correctly. Do you mean to create a visual report for a multi-page form. If so, it is possible to add the fields from any page of your JotForm to visual report . However, visual report can be designed in single page only since they are designed to create reports that can be printed nice. You can also enlarge the report page size by dragging the page from the bottom-right corner so that you add additional fields to the report. 


    Visual Report Not Showing Entire Survey Image 1 Screenshot 20

    Hope this information helps. Please get back to us with the form URL if you are referring to something different so that we will take another look into the issue.

    Thank you!!

  • lowellgeneral
    Replied on May 28, 2015 at 12:33 PM

    Hi Kiran, appreciate your response, but this was not the fix.  When I drag, I just get a lot of white space.  It also appears that starred ranking questions aren't available in a visual report...?  I tried cloning and modifying my form to see if I could see these types of questions, and I couldn't. All help appreciated.

  • Charlie
    Replied on May 28, 2015 at 1:52 PM


    The Visual Report builder has some limitations on it. It is usually use to create graphs, pie charts and the likes. But not fully customize. You can check our guide here:

    If you are looking on creating a report with more options and more ways to analyze available data, I would recommend that you integrate Google Spreadsheet. The good thing on it is that it will load all the submissions of your form automatically. After that, you can create graphs and charts directly there, every time that a new submission is received, the charts or graphs should automatically update. Custom functions and formulas could also be inserted there.

    Regarding your problem, could you provide us a screenshot of it so that we can easily visualize it?

    I hope that helps.



  • lowellgeneral
    Replied on May 28, 2015 at 2:53 PM

    Nope, sorry, still didn't help.  I only see the first two questions on the form, which are radio buttons. I did not see a graphic when I used either the star rating or scale rating questions.  Are thesse types of questions supported in Visual Reports?

  • Charlie
    Replied on May 28, 2015 at 3:10 PM

    Could you tell us which forms you are working at? I assume it's the form titled "Tell Us How Were Doing". I cloned it and made some test submissions.

    Here's a test report I made.

    1. First, I click the "Chart", I then click the gear icon.

    Visual Report Not Showing Entire Survey Image 1 Screenshot 30

    2. It will then show the available questions to where we can fetch the data. In this case, the star rating fields are the questions that starts with "Overall, how would you...". 

    Visual Report Not Showing Entire Survey Image 2 Screenshot 41


    The data should display, but not the star icons. If there's no data or answer on that specific question, there will be no graphic to be displayed. 

  • lowellgeneral
    Replied on May 28, 2015 at 3:16 PM

    Got it now, many thanks!