emails are not being delivered

  • auroralynn898
    Asked on June 18, 2015 at 1:26 PM

    Good Afternoon


    I have been trying every thing I can think of to get this to work. All of my emails were working fine for all of my forms and now maybe a couple months ago (no one told me) they are not receiving the emails. I had our side check to make sure email worked and not sent to spam.


    Thank you!

  • Aurora JotForm Support
    Replied on June 18, 2015 at 3:01 PM

    I have filled out the form which links is above mentioned, for testing purposes only. Please let us know if the notification email was received so then we will investigate further.

    Besides, I see that you are close to reach your submissions monthly limit, should  you be considering to upgrade your account if necessary. Here you are a useful link for this purpose:

    Let us know if we can further assist you.

  • auroralynn898
    Replied on June 18, 2015 at 3:43 PM

    I am not sure if my last response went through because I cant see it. but in short, no the test did not go through?

  • David JotForm Support
    Replied on June 18, 2015 at 4:24 PM

    Your notification looked to be setup properly. So, I checked our logs for the address in the notification and it looks like the notifications are being sent successfully from our end:

    emails are not being delivered  Image 1 Screenshot 20

    The notifications might be being filtered by your email provider.  Here is our guide on how to prevent bounce related issues:

    This includes servers to whitelist and things of that nature.

    A simple fix might just be to change the sender email from "" to "" to see if that allows them to go through.  This is our alternate server and may get passed any filter already setup.

    If these solutions still do not allow your notifications to get through, let us know and we will be happy to see what else we can do.

  • auroralynn898
    Replied on July 1, 2015 at 3:26 PM

    Good afternoon, I was talking with you last week and trying to get my issue resolved but I am still having issues. my forms are not emailing the submissions to the email addresses. it will email me but no one else. I cant seem to figure out why. I need to get this fix asap. Can you please help. in case my phone is 844-800-5777 x 404


  • David JotForm Support
    Replied on July 1, 2015 at 4:09 PM

    If you are using the test email in the form builder, it will always be sent to the default address associated with your account.  The notifications for your most recent form do appear to be going through.  However, the ones set to be sent from your custom SMTP are not:

    emails are not being delivered  Image 1 Screenshot 30

    Check to make sure that your SMTP settings are correct if you need to use your address to send the notifications:

    Or change the sunder emails for your forms to "" in order to have the notifications sent from our servers:

    emails are not being delivered  Image 2 Screenshot 41

    According to our logs, changing the sender email for some of your forms should be working.