How Can I Have the Total Price Include Both the Currency Symbol and Decimal Places?

  • hughdal
    Asked on July 11, 2015 at 4:38 PM
  • abajan
    Replied on July 11, 2015 at 7:19 PM

    While it's possible to have the decimal places shown in the PayPal total by going into the properties of that field and selecting Yes for Use Decimals, as shown below,

    How Can I Have the Total Price Include Both the Currency Symbol and Decimal Places? Image 1 Screenshot 40

    it's not possible (to my knowledge) to have the dollar sign included. However, in your jotform's case, here's what you can do as a workaround:

    1. Show the currently hidden Grand Total field

    2. Prepend the calculation expression in the work area with the dollar symbol and append it with a space followed by CAD and then click Show Advanced Options:

    How Can I Have the Total Price Include Both the Currency Symbol and Decimal Places? Image 2 Screenshot 51

    3. In the advanced options, check Show empty decimal places.:

    How Can I Have the Total Price Include Both the Currency Symbol and Decimal Places? Image 3 Screenshot 62

    4. Hide the PayPal total field by going into the CSS section of the Designer and adding the following rule:

    #id_21 {
       display : none;

    When done, your jotform should work like this clone.

    If you need more help with this, please let us know.
