I did not receive the email for the Verification Code when adding custom sender email

  • shino8700
    Asked on July 22, 2015 at 4:09 AM


    I am trying to setup this email for sender: Booking@actiontravel.dk - i just cant get the supersecret code, when i change e-mail i get it fast , but only this mentioned email gives me problems.


    can you tell me why perhaps ?


    best regards

    Shino T

  • Welvin Support Team Lead
    Replied on July 22, 2015 at 8:37 AM

    Hi Shino,

    We've sent you the codes. This is based on our email logs. Please check your spam folder. I would suggest checking it by logging into the webmail access.


  • shino8700
    Replied on July 23, 2015 at 3:59 AM
    Hi Welwin,
    I just contacted my host and they told me the reason for i don't receive this verification mail is because the mail do not get to their mail servers?
    They checked their mail logs and they could not see anything or any attempt sent to this mail : booking@actiontravel.dk - ?
    what can be the issue ?
    Venlig Hilsen / Best regards
    Shino Tavangar
    +45 41 16 86 62
    L mere om vores gym p/ Find more info about out Gym on:
  • Jan
    Replied on July 23, 2015 at 7:56 AM

    I checked the mail logs and I saw that the verification codes were sent successfully. Here's a guide on how to check your mail logs.

    I did not receive the email for the Verification Code when adding custom sender email Image 1 Screenshot 20

    It means that from our servers, we were able to sent it to your email address. Since you are not receiving emails from JotForm then it is possible that they are being blocked by your provider. I believe you already checked the spam or junk folders right? Your email address is not in the bounce list.

    Can you please try white-listing JotMail IP addresses. Please refer to this guide: http://www.jotform.com/help/145-Whitelisting-JotMails-IP-Addresses

    Hope this works. Thank you.


  • shino8700
    Replied on July 23, 2015 at 8:19 AM

    Dear Jotforms
    I just contacted the mail provider which is : www.surftown.com
    they said i should contact you again and have you check your logs, since they claim that the email sent form you were never received in their servers and its not blacklisted . .They could see from their logs that no mails were attempt sending by you.
    They said 100% they fault is at your end and we should have you check again.
    Venlig Hilsen / Best regards
    Shino Tavangar
    +45 41 16 86 62
    L mere om vores gym p/ Find more info about out Gym on:
  • Jan
    Replied on July 23, 2015 at 10:33 AM

    We already checked the mail logs and the logs shows that they were sent to your email properly. Please check this guide on how to check you mail logs: http://www.jotform.com/help/293-How-to-view-all-your-form-Email-History

    The image I posted above are the email logs. There are 4 emails sent to your address.

    Please tell to your email provide to whitelist our IP addresses. Please refer to this guide: http://www.jotform.com/help/145-Whitelisting-JotMails-IP-Addresses