Why doesn't my title field not appear on the form?

  • Dark_Demon
    Asked on July 29, 2015 at 2:12 AM

    I've created a form which used to contain everything that was needed.


    Now, after adding a further text field at the bottom of the form, the top (or title) field does not appear in "Preview", or on the site.

    The title does appear on the "design" tab.

    Is there a restriction to the number of text fields one can use on each form?


    Thanks and regards,


    David Feery-Richards

    E-mail> davidfeery-richards@outlook.com

  • Sammy
    Replied on July 29, 2015 at 4:52 AM

    Hello David,

    We do not have a limit on the number of textboxes you can add on your form.

    The issue with you title is the white text it has, this causes it to be washed out against the form,

    kindly try injecting the following CSS into your form

    .form-header-group h2, .form-subHeader {
        color : black;

    You can modify the color value to one of your liking, please let us know if you need further assistance or clarification.