We do not get any email notifications to our email

  • baliadmin
    Asked on August 13, 2015 at 9:48 AM



    We stopped getting email notification since around mid June. Any idea how we can fix this?


    I have checked my spa folders and emails are not going in there.


    Many thanks.


  • Ben
    Replied on August 13, 2015 at 11:30 AM

    I took a look at the form you have mentioned Andreas http://www.jotformeu.com/form/31884666897376

    Now looking at the email that you have used, it seems that there was one submission that was sent to it, but also that there are few test email notifications sent as well.

    I presume that the issue is related to these test emails since they are sent only to the email associated with the main account.

    For more about this please do take a look here: How to properly Change and Test a New Email Recipient Address.

    Of course if you have any further issues, do let us know and we would be happy to assist.