Orderable List Widget: Can I Have Only Specific List Items Displayed in Email Alerts? Also, Can the Rank of Each List Item Be Removed from the Email A

  • zugfrig78
    Asked on September 2, 2015 at 9:05 AM
    i also have this minor issue which im hoping is just a setting



    as you can se below the "Answer" shows the list in order....


    can I adjust the email settings so that 


    *  Only the first 24 names are emailed to me

    *   when emailing, can i hide the number nect to the players name (as i want to cut adn paste it straight into an excel spreadsheet





    1: Sam Mitchell
    2: Adam Trealor
    3: Luke Plowman
    4: Andrew Embley
    5: Andrew Swallow
    6: Jude Bolton
    7: Angus Monfries
    8: Ben Hudson
    9: Brent Reilly
    10: Brett Goodes
    11: Callan Ward
    12: Clinton Jones
    13: Kobe Stevens
    14: Courtney Dempsey
    15: Craig Bird
    16: Luke Ball
    17: Dale Thomas
    18: Daniel Cross
    19: Daniel Jackson
    20: Danny Stanley
    21: David Rodan
    22: Dennis Armfield
    23: Dyson Heppell
    24: Garrick Ibbotson
    25: Harry O'Brien
    26: Ian Callinan
    27: Jack Steven
    28: Jake Neade
    29: James Podsiadly
    30: Jimmy Toumpas
    31: Joe Daniher
    32: Justin Westhoff
    33: Luke Parker
    34: Luke Shuey
    35: Marc Murphy
    36: Nathan Fyfe
    37: Nicholas Kommer
    38: Paul Chapman
    39: Ryan Shoenmakers
    40: Shaun Grigg
    41: Simon Black
    42: Zac Smith

  • abajan
    Replied on September 2, 2015 at 9:23 AM

    Unfortunately, in the notification neither displaying just specific names nor removing their rank is currently possible. It might be possible to hide the numbers from being shown on the form and then have the notification not display them but I don't think that would be desirable.

  • zugfrig78
    Replied on September 2, 2015 at 9:50 AM

    For arguements sake, can we test hiding the number on the form?


  • Charlie
    Replied on September 2, 2015 at 11:14 AM

    I tried looking for a workaround to hide the order number. Unfortunately, the item and the order number is set as one value so we can't remove the number in the notifications.

    If you just want to remove the order number in the live preview of the form, that's possible by using custom CSS code.

    But my colleague might have something in mind. I'll notify him about this.

  • abajan
    Replied on September 2, 2015 at 2:05 PM


    Unfortunately, while it's quite a simple matter to hide the rank numbers from the form by adding

    #sortableList .rank {
       display: none;

    to the widget's CSS, it appears to be impossible to hide them from the notification.

    My apologies if I got your hope up about this.


  • zugfrig78
    Replied on September 2, 2015 at 8:52 PM

    Never mind, that's OK, 


    All your help is appreciated as always