Hide Empty Fields in Custom PDF Report

  • dkunz
    Asked on September 16, 2015 at 4:40 PM

    Hello - Since you were so helpful and fast on the last "bug" I sent, I hope you can solve this one too. This may be trickier. I'm trying to get a "Customized PDF" to lay perfectly on one page. The problem is when a non-required field is left blank, the remaining fields collapse upward like an upside-down game of Jenga.

    The screenshot shows an entry from one customer who used all the fields and everything lands nicely. And the one on the right has "Unit" left blank and chaos ensues below.

    Question: is there a way to have the field hold it's space on the pdf regardless of data being entered? If not, that's ok. Just being OCD.

    Thanks, David

    Jotform Thread 663751 Screenshot
  • jonathan
    Replied on September 16, 2015 at 6:14 PM

    Hi David,

    In the View Submission page of the form, can you please try also unchecking the option "Auto Hide Empty Fields"

    Hide Empty Fields in Custom PDF Report Image 1 Screenshot 30


    I made a test of it, and fixes the repositioning of the elements on the PDF output due to empty fields.

    Hide Empty Fields in Custom PDF Report Image 2 Screenshot 41


    Let us know if this did not resolve the issue.

