How the Submissions' Limits Works?

  • malenehjortflod
    Asked on September 29, 2015 at 10:47 AM

    Hi Jotform,

    Maybe I want to use JotForm as my signup tool for my courses. 

    I just do not understand the terms of the free account. 

    - 100 submissions per month. Does it mean that What does it mean, that 100 people can signup to a course with me each month ?

    - 10 payments. Does it mean that only 10 of the 100 can make a payment ? And the rest of 90 are joining my course for free ?

    - What is a SSL secure submission? 

    Look forward to hearing from you :)


    All the best

    Malene Hjortflod


  • mert JotForm UI Developer
    Replied on September 29, 2015 at 12:10 PM

    Hi Malene,

    To give general information, they are collected together; but if you reach one of the limits, your account will be disabled till the beginning of the next month.

    For instance, if you reach the limit of 10 payment submission, you have 90 submissions left; but your account is going to disabled for that month.

    On the other hand, if you don't use 10 Payment submissions, you have 100 submissions to use in that month.


    If we come to the SSL submissions,

    Secure or SSL Forms are for secure communications between the client (i.e the end user of your form) &Jotforms' servers. These communications are encrypted to prevent snooping by a 3rd party, and are useful if any of your forms contain sensitive information such as credit card or payment details or any other data of a personal nature.

    Also, you can find information about how to enable or disable SSL submissions from the link below:

    To sum up, if you don't have security sensitive data, you don't need to use SSL submissions.


    I hope this informations will meet your needs. If there is still something blank, please don't hesitate to contact us.

    Have a nice day.