Theme Store: Unable to save our theme

  • glitterstarz10
    Asked on October 7, 2015 at 12:38 PM

    I am having the same exact problem.  Tried in multiple browsers with no success.  The [Save Theme] button does absolutely nothing.

    After reading your last post, I have to say that it completely defeats the entire purpose of having theme "templates" if you are unable to modify them and save them as your own.  This is a huge oversight for the JotForm team and should be addressed ASAP.  It is also extremely confusing for your customers to have the [Save Theme] button available when they are not even allowed to save the modified theme.

  • Ben
    Replied on October 7, 2015 at 12:48 PM

    Please note that templates and themes are different things.

    Form Templates hold all the fields and setups for you and you can find them here:

    On the other hand, Theme Store holds the theme styles that get applied to your form, which you can see here: Theme Store

    Now, in regards to themes. If you create your own theme, you will be able to save it and load it up on other forms, as well as make modifications to the same if you need to.

    On the other hand, only if you purchase or use a theme that someone else created, you will not be able to save the theme into the Theme Store.

    The reason for this is to protect the people that spend time on their themes created and posted in Theme Store, since as you have probably noticed some themes are paid for while some are free, and it would be possible for some to just grab the free theme and start billing it.

    So this is intentional, not an oversight, nor a bug.

    This is one of the systems set up that protects everyone from the aforementioned actions.

    Now, if you want to apply some specific style to your form, you can create the styles to your form without any themes applied and then save it in Theme Store as a new theme, which would allow you to quickly apply the same to other forms as well.

    Hope that this helps.