Update form

  • AvicennaAcademy
    Asked on October 22, 2015 at 9:45 AM


    I'm so mess, because my form conditions some time still working and sometimes not. this problem I thing was since last week. but now I can/t trust my form to launch it.

    For exp: I put it the PayPal, Check and Pay in school options, when petitioner select the PayPal, I did off 1 field and show the PayPal field. I try it, in two first time the form just went to submission and thank you page and in third time went to PayPal page. this one is the major problem for JotForm and me as well.

    Please check it and let me know to best action

  • David JotForm Support
    Replied on October 22, 2015 at 12:05 PM


    If the total forwarded to PayPal is "0" then the PayPal screen will not be opened.  Since there is no need to collect a payment when the total is 0, there is no need to redirect to PayPal.  All of your submissions with amounts owed show as incomplete in your submission data:


    Update form Image 1 Screenshot 30

    None of the submissions with totals greater than 0 are in with your submission data so everything looks to be working the way it should.

    Update form Image 2 Screenshot 41

    If you conditions are forwarding the proper amounts, your form should be functioning properly.  If there is a payment to collect, your users will be forwarded to PayPal.